Friday, February 14, 2020

John The Bapist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John The Bapist - Research Paper Example John Baptist’s Parents John the Baptist’s father was Zechariah and his mother was Elizabeth. Zechariah was from the priestly family of Abijah. Both Zechariah and his wife were righteous people before the lord and they blamelessly obeyed all the commands of the lord (John the Baptist, online). Zechariah and Elizabeth, however, were very old and Elizabeth was barren. The couple had lost hope of ever having a child of their own. The lord however performed a miracle for them and this led to the birth of John the Baptist. John Baptist’s Birth and Childhood John the Baptist was born in the late first century, at around 5 B.C., during the reign of king Herod of Judea. The history of the birth and childhood of John the Baptist can be obtained from the four Gospels in the Bible and also from the writings of the Roman historian Josephus (The Birth and Early Life of John the Baptist, online). John the Baptist is believed to have been born in Judea, near Jerusalem. Both John ’s father and mother were of Aaron descent and John, therefore, was of Aaron descent from both his father and mother. Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist was sister to Mary the mother of Jesus Christ. ... This happened when Zechariah was performing his priestly duties in the temple of Jerusalem; Zachariah was burning incense in the temple when angle Gabriel appeared to him. When Zechariah first saw the angel he was startled, but the angel told him not to be afraid for the lord had heard his prayers. The angel of the lord then told him that his wife Elizabeth would bear him a son, and the angel told him that he should call the child John. The angel of the lord then told Zechariah that the child to be born would be a great joy to his parents and many people would rejoice because of his birth. The angel of the lord told Zechariah that the child to be born would be great in the eyes of the lord. Angel Gabriel also told Zechariah that the child to be born would never drink wine or any other fermented drink, angel Gabriel told him that John the Baptist would be filled with the Holy Spirit even before his birth; Angel Gabriel also told Zechariah that John the Baptist would bring many people of Israel back to God. The angel of the Lord also said that John the Baptist would have the spirit and the zeal of Prophet Elijah; through this spirit and zeal of Prophet Elijah he would bring many people to righteousness. But Zechariah doubted the words of the angel of the Lord and wondered how the words of the angel would come true for he was very old and his wife Elizabeth too was very old and barren. But angel Gabriel assured him that he was sent by God and that his words will come true. And for failing to believe in the words of angel Gabriel, the angel told Zechariah that he would be silent from that moment till when the child John the Baptist would be

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